The Great Co-Opt: How Everything Was Stolen
examples showcasing how dam near everything on this world has been co-opted by wicked humans.
This is a list of examples showcasing how dam near everything on this world has been co-opted by wicked humans. There are many links and YouTube videos throughout the article, I highly recommend taking your time and viewing all the related content I sprinkled throughout. Take your time, bookmark this and come back. Some things come off conspiratorial and I am completely aware of that, I encourage you not to trust anything here and look into it all yourself, these things are very interesting.
Quality of Service & Goods across the board of all industry has fallen to a very noticeable level. Meanwhile consumer costs have skyrocketed. Wage’s are stagnant and you have to pay 2 arms and 4 legs for a house. 65% of people are living paycheck to paycheck. There’s a handful of companies that own the world. There’s criminals running rampant in all forms. There’s constant disasters. Constant hate and division. Opportunists on every corner. Everything is a racket, even public service. Everything we consume is poison. So much of what we consumed in school were lies or half truths. We have more than 5 major crisis’s going on right now all stemming from Covid. Our world just seems different, like the house of cards is getting ready to fall.
We have allowed our societies, governments, agencies, institutions, religions, media organizations, political groups/movements, celebrities and influencers, missions and messages, along with their terminology, all to be co-opted by nefarious wicked people looking to exploit these things for personal gain.
By their own words, they purposely target “susceptible people”.
The Great Analogy
Before we get into the list of examples, lets try and put it another way.
Think of what happened to Apple after Steve Jobs died. People without his vision took it over and continued to operate like it was the same Apple, but it wasn't. It was a board of suits trying to mimic the original founders vision for nothing but profit. They didn't actually care about the product or the people.
The same goes for the majority of companies that went public and/or lost its original founder. Look at McDonalds or Disney. There’s a reason “Golden Age of Disney” is a phrase.
This is what has happened to our countries, governments, and everything else I listed above. The visionaries have died off and the suits are sucking the tit dry.
The Assassination Era
I want to paint a picture, the great co-opt is hundreds of years in the making. Consolidation of industry and power dating back to the 1800s, even earlier really, but lets stay recent and current. I want to start at what I call the assassination era.
JFK — November 22, 1963
Malcom X — February 21, 1965
Martin Luther King, Jr — April 4, 1968
RFK — June 6, 1968
Fred Hampton —December 4, 1969
This gets into the personal opinion and conspiracy theory space, but stick with me. JFK was drastically different from status quo on many fronts. He constantly clashed with the military leaders, CIA, and FBI, and he was well aware of their rogue power. No doubt part of his reason behind the secret societies speech, not to mention his family ties.
There are countless reasons why the 3 letter rogue nation agencies would want to take JFK out. His brother Bobby wanted to carry on JFKs legacy, he got popped too. We don’t need to speculate on who and why though. The fact that public opinion heavily swayed that way would be enough to make the next guy who wanted to change things stop and maybe double think it.
You then have the 3 black leaders who were assassinated. Anytime the black population started to get organized and mobilize, their leader’s would get cut down.
Malcolm X was gunned down by the very cult he escaped, he returned from Mecca as the man they all claimed to be, his every breath was exposing them for the charlatans they were, co-opting religion into a cult for personal gain like so many do. Farrakhan in his own words has admitted to his involvement in the murder, saying he was at fault for breeding such a hateful environment. If you know the NOI, you know these men do not act without Farrakhan or Muhammad's direction. The FBI most likely had prior knowledge of the hit through their spying program COINTELPRO. In fact, some theories state the FBI helped facilitate the hit by arresting 2 of Malcom’s bodyguards the night before. New investigations have just opened up about X’s death and LE involvement, they have admitted to withholding evidence!
There is no doubt of LE’s involvement when it comes to the execution of Fred Hampton. Police with help from FBI and their Cointelpro program, raided Hamptons place on the night of December 4th, officers entered his residence and assassinated him while he slept, he was most likely drugged, something FBI tried to cover up along with their plans for the raid. This is a wild and gross story, read about it here.
Martin Luther King, jr. was killed by a man named James Earl Ray, who claimed he was part of a bigger conspiracy, Kings family chose to believe him.
(There’s actually a new documentary dropping November about the assassination era called FOUR DIED TRYING, I just learned about it before publishing this, the timing is wild and couldn't be more perfect lol, I have long thought the assassination of these men marked a crucial turning point for our nation and world, finally write it up and then boom, I see the announcement, a lot of us are on similar wavelengths, I'm super excited to watch it)
Grand Conspiracies?!
Now whether or not all of these assassinations were part of some grand conspiracy by the government or secret society is irrelevant, it just adds some spice. The fact is, the results are the same, these spaces were co-opted once the visionaries were killed or died off. Now we have Farrakhan sitting with us today telling his version of events instead of Malcom who should still be here with us.
That takes care of black leaders, what about the black population now? Well we could flood their neighborhoods with crack and hit em with the crime bill, destroy the black family unit by ushering in a new era of Jim Crow. Now that sounds like some conspiracy shit but you should check out this book, which is why I'm willing to toy with any conspiracy theory(within reason lol).
Well that and operation Northwoods, you know that plan where our government would do false flag operations including killing our own citizens and blame it all on Cuba. Government is there to help citizens, so one that kills its citizens sounds like one that's been co-opted by dangerous terrorists.
Speaking of which, I'm getting all over the place so lets start this structured list, I want to give you a few things to think about, since we are talking government, we shall start there and work our way down.
Examples of The Great Co-opt
Corporations/Wealthy Social Clubs(illuminati/secret societies) Rule the World
We have allowed corporations to buy & exploit our world. These people are the real illuminati. Chamath puts it very well in the video below, so well I now use this video to explain the “real illuminati” to people, like I'm doing here lol.
The World Economic Forum is trying to usher in the great reset, where “you will own nothing and be happy”, Larry Fink, the ceo of Blackrock, sits on the board of the WEF as well as a member of the council of foreign relations. Blackrock is an investment firm that manages more than 8.5 trillion dollars and is currently on path to own a majority of single family homes in America. It’s not even conspiracy, they are doing it out in the open and telling you exactly what they’re doing in their own whitepapers and blasted all over their website. Blackrock has a majority share in dam near every major company and their subsidiaries.
Welfare for the Well-Off: How Business Subsidies Fleece Taxpayers
Here is a list of some shady shit your government did without your knowledge or say so: REAL CONSPIRACIES
Here you can see an informational video about all the US backed coups in other countries: The USA Loves To Meddle In Other Countries
Here you can read about the extensive report documenting America’s War Crimes following 9/11, the full report has never been released: The Torture Report
Here you can read about how the government “borrowed” all of our social security money, don’t worry they will supposedly be paid back with bonds backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S government.. that being said, funds are expected to be depleted by 2041.
Here you can read about the horrible story of US nuclear testing at Bikini Atoll, they skipped over a lot of these details in History class: Nuclear Testing at Bikini Atoll — I never ok’d my government to do this lol.
A recent development that further proves the case for the great co-opt, unfortunately, is that the leaders of Bikini Atoll successfully talked the US into relinquishing control of the reparations fund. After which the leaders spent all the money on “two ships, an airplane, a fleet of vehicles, a Majuro apartment complex and a 283-acre plot of land in Hilo.” Sounds like they were getting ready for business if you know what I mean(DRUGS).
Meanwhile, back home on capital hill, our politicians are getting extremely rich on their much lower salaries somehow. Well other than their massive contributions they receive, it seems many of them have found much success in amateur's day trading, who would have thought that a majority of congress would just so happen to buy up a shit ton of Nvidia stock right before signing the chips bill?!?!(big shrug gesture) Crazy Coincidence, surely not clear cut signs of insider trading, NO WAY!
On top of the things I just listed you can read more about some documented corruption throughout our government history: Corruption in Politics
Government: Agencies
— FBI: Spy's on other branches of government, political figures, celebrities, citizens, carrying out blackmail and more. Read through this list and tell me if it sounds like an agency that's working for you:
FBI Controversies
— CIA: Spy’s on Congress, President, and other agencies, spy's on US Citizens. Carries out clandestine operations(false flags, assassinations, gun running, drug trafficking) that sometimes the white house doesn't even know about. They have stolen from congress before to cover crimes up. Does that sound like for the people by the people? To me it sounds like a rogue fuckin nation operating in our country. Read More Here: CIA Controversy
— NSA: Massive Domestic Secret Surveillance Programs, listening and watching everything, access to anything. Once again it does not sound like an agency for the people by the people. Read More Here: NSA Controversy
— FDA: Almost everything we consume from solid food and liquid beverages all the way to medicine, everything we consume is poison. I’m not sure how we allowed this to happen but it’s very frightening. It’s been co-opted to do the opposite of its intended purpose. Bought and paid for by big pharma & food.
Read more here: THE FDA’S FOOD FAILURE
Risky Drugs: Why The FDA Cannot Be Trusted
Criticism of the Food and Drug Administration
— EPA: These people told you the water was safe to drink in Ohio like a day after a train carrying toxic chemicals spilt all over the ground and into water ways, creating a situation as bad as Chernobyl they said. They did something similar with 9/11.
Read More Here: EPA Controversies
Before we move on, just think, did the government ever check with you to see if doing all this shit was cool? No. Sounds like the government is not for us. Sounds like they don’t have our interests at heart. Sounds like they are too big to even know what's going on in all of these agencies.
Political Parties, Groups, Movements & Influencers
Now this section is a big one, because its how they get away with all the stuff we listed above in the Government Section. Divide and Conquer is a very real strategy they deploy. They keep us divided and at each others throats all along party lines so we don’t realize its a class war. We keep pointing our finger at the other side while ALL the elite rob us and keep us poor. These political parties have become cults and have weaponized their following, they have brainwashed the very people they are victimizing. It’s disgusting.
List of federal political scandals in the United States
List of federal political sex scandals in the United States
-Another list with names not on the other
Republicans & Democrats —Truly 2 sides of the same coin, one big club. Both have an extreme sect of racist, misogynistic, hateful people they pander to. You may be confused how those things apply to democrats who supposedly fight that sort of thing, but their words & actions have exposed their true mindset and beliefs. Look at what Malcolm said of them. They embolden these extreme sects by not only not condemning them, but in some cases directly supporting them. They are all virtue signaling fakes that talk big game but never deliver, liars, hypocrites, insider trading, petty wicked greedy people, all rich who get so by taking from us. The financial and other personal gains off these ideologies are all the motivation one needs to sell it to you. Its similar to how religion has been co-opted which we will get into below. Anyone selling tribal mentality does not have your best interest at heart.
The DNC — The DNC stole the nomination from Bernie and gave it to Hillary, they are directly responsible for Trump winning, sounds like a co-opt to me. The head chair of the DNC who stepped down from that mess after being directly involved in the collusion, is still a congress women and has the nerve to accuse others of things she herself has done: Click Here to watch that Video
Court Concedes DNC Had the Right to Rig Primaries Against Sanders
Elizabeth Warren and Donna Brazile both now agree the 2016 Democratic primary was rigged
2016 Democratic National Committee email leak
The Election Question — There has been documented election interference since the dawn of elections. When Trump won, democrats screamed the election was stolen and there was Russian interference. All of these allegations were quite hypocritical seeing as they just got done rigging their primary. The republicans said everything was in order, of course. Then Biden wins, and the roles flip(like many things in politics), now republicans are screaming it was stolen/election interference while democrats say “it was the most secure election in history” dam they ironed out all the problems in 4 years?! Why can’t government always work that efficiently? Something isn't adding up. Furthermore, every single time a recount happens, the number is different, kind of tells your our system isn’t accurate. So the question isn't whether or not there was interference. Its whether or not that interference was enough to change the actual outcome.
Don’t want to believe me, take a look at this, and this, and this, and tell me if you truly believe they would stop the interference in respect to our borders. No, in the contrary, you can best believe if they wont allow a free election take place across the world than they sure as hell wont allow one in their back yard.
The BLM Movement(democrats) — Theses democrats/leaders of the BLM movement, scammed their own people and bought mansions with donations instead of redistributing that money or putting it towards the cause they said they believe in so much. They were charlatans/opportunists feeding off of peoples anger of misjustice. They finessed the bag.
Read More about it here: BLM Founders Steal Funds
The Lincoln Project (republicans)— These republicans/project leaders scammed their own people and funneled donations into their private businesses. In their documentary they outright speak on the fact they target people they think are stupid so they can influence them with propaganda. THEY SHOWED YOU THE GAMEPLAN!? It is no longer a conspiracy theory, but fact.
Read More Here: Lincoln Project Leaders Steal Funds
George Floyd / Jan. 6th Riots — The riots were interesting, I’m still not sure whether to call them riots or “peaceful protests”. Either way, both were disgusting displays of bad actors and opportunists co-opting a message. The stark contrast in coverage of these 2 events is another example of the great co-opt. One is a “mostly peaceful protest” and the other gets called a “riot” before violence actually happens. You can see the bias bleed through the headlines and reporting so easily nowadays.
PETA — Peta saves animals, or do they? The shocking truth that they kill animals gained widespread attention with the help of Sounds simple enough, peta are bad and do the opposite of what they say and whoever put this website up are good, right? Well not exactly. A group backed by special interests was behind the website and its all very interesting.
my views on peta have changed, but i still aint down with the shade they threw at steve irwin
Celebrities — Back in my day on voting day the celebrities would get out there and be like “don't forget to vote” “get out and vote!”… now a days they tell you who to vote for. Isn’t it weird how all actors tell you to vote the same? Isn’t also weird how it seems they are like puppets in political narratives. Take the Orpah and rock video for Maui donations they just did, just horrible optics. At least the backlash to that has been overwhelming showing a shift in the collective consciousness of the general public.
Influencers & Social Media — Special Interest Groups are using social media to bypass laws and policies and manipulate the public through use of influencers and campaigns. They use it to sell alcohol and tobacco products. They use social media to steal our data and feed us propaganda, by targeting people they think are stupid. Influencer marketing is disgusting and fake and much worse than traditional advertising is because it doesn't adhere to the same set of laws in many circumstances. Logan Paul selling your kids sugar drinks making millions while he scams millions more with crypto. Twitter is full of fake bot accounts for each side spewing nonsense just fanning the flames of discourse and outrage.
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Click here to Read about the Cambridge Analytica Scandal
The Independent - Anthony's track has amassed more than 30...
Anthony's track has amassed more than 30 million views on YouTube in 13 days after becoming the latest weapon in…
Just read through the comments on this post above about Oliver Anthony's song, to me this song is nothing I haven’t heard before, its not my cup of tea but clearly it resonates with so many, but just look at all the hate, people in there calling strangers idiots and labeling them things without even knowing them, just jabbering back and forth, its fucking disgusting. This is just one example, the first one I saw on fb, these posts are a dime a dozen on any political post, hell the post doesn't even have to be political anymore, seems anything can upset someone nowadays. No matter the platform, there are unparalleled amounts of hate and its sad to see, people wishing death on others, crazy stuff.
Each party has a problem with the other's social media propaganda but fine with their own, did I say these people are hypocrites?
Meet the woman behind Libs of TikTok, secretly fueling the right’s outrage machine
Inside Democrats’ elaborate attempt to woo TikTok influencers
How Democrats Are Using Social Media Influencers to Get Out the Vote
Social Media itself is designed to take every minute of attention from you, algorithmic feeds constantly feeding you braindead content, making you cycle every human emotion in the span of 15 minutes, no wonder everyone is so screwed up. Our attention spans have been decimated. Everything has been commercialized and monetized, I miss the old internet, these kids have no clue how real things use to be, as real as they think things are now.
Mainstream Media
This one is fairly obvious by now to anyone with 2 eyes and a brain. Media Networks are there to sell you an agenda or ideology. Its all BS propaganda meant to stoke fear and division. Both Political Parties own all the news programs, there is no news that is not influenced by political ideology, think about it. Unbiased new does not exist.
Think about the Kyle Rittenhouse coverage, when you had media talking heads constantly reporting incorrect “facts” and kept doing so after apologizing for doing so(Ana I'm looking at you). What other “facts” that they are telling you are incorrect I wonder?
Click here to See Examples of Bias
So you can’t trust corporations, governments, or media. At least you can turn to the church, right? Wrong. Religion does great things for many, but never the less it is a form of spiritual government, on a level below that individuals have further co-opted the co-opt in the form of mega churches. These people like Joel Olsteen, Kenneth Copeland, Jesse Duplantis are clearly using the faith for personal gain and then rubbing it in their congregation’s faces, as they applaud it and say “praise Jesus!”
Then of course you have the pedophile stuff going on, which wouldn’t be as big of an issue if the church came out against that sort of thing instead of helping predators escape justice.
Read more about “priest shuffling”
*Some religious people get defensive when you bring this stuff up, but in my opinion, they should be angrier than anyone, its their religion being tarnished by bad-actors, they should be on the front line of this sort of thing.
The spiritual space just like religion is full of charlatans, some of the worst kind in my opinion. I saw someone charge $5000 for a quantum leaping course, and they weren’t even teaching the fundamentals of the concept correctly, smh. Spiritual Opportunism is something you really have to keep an eye out for in this space, its everywhere, which is very unfortunate. The quantum leaping thing should be example enough, especially since that one alone runs rampant, but in case you need more think no further to those who fake speaking to dead loved ones for money. These are sick people.
Covid Co-Opted
I’m not sure if anything has been more politicized than Covid, to the point people were being silenced and losing jobs and access to money, in collaborated efforts among top platforms, for asking questions, which is a colossal shame. I’m not even sure where to start on this section.
Lets first acknowledge the fact that many things said that went against the official narrative were deemed conspiracy theories. Over time though we saw the official narrative change, and these things that were once conspiracy, are now fact or within the realm of possibility(man how many times have we seen this happen by now, you would think people would learn). Such as the fact masks aren't as effective as they said, the stupidity of some of the precautions, and the possibility of this being a lab leak, from a lab FUNDED BY THE U.S.
The political theater behind all this was a wild spectacle, see for yourself, its like they wanted people to be distrustful of it, you know:
They shutdown the economy, destroyed small businesses, and grossly misallocated a majority of PPP loans. They told us to stay inside, while they went out and lived a life with no restrictions, eating out at restaurants, drinking, getting hair cuts, normal life uninterrupted, living lavishly in their ivory towers, untouched by the chaos they created. They made loved ones watch their dying family members on video calls, no visitation. People were fired for not getting the vaccine. Family and friends were being torn apart. Meanwhile some were shipped off to “Covid camps”. All while politicians played for points on a imaginary board, sending away help from Trump just to make the situation worse under his command, like wtf! Luckily that governor had to resign due to sexual assault so he can no longer kill people for political points.
That was another way this was all co-opted, to make Trump look bad. Don’t get me wrong, he was trying to use it to make opponents look bad as well, they all were. But remember how they blasted the death numbers on TV 24/7 in the corner with a death counter and once Biden took over, those numbers stopped being reported even though Covid didn’t slow down, that was interesting to me.
3 years later and the world is still facing 5 on-going worldwide crisis stemming from this pandemic and the shutdowns. Meanwhile the WEF has taken full advantage of this situation to usher in their Great Reset Agenda. So much so that I can’t fault people for thinking this is some grand conspiracy. I mean Larry Fink, the CEO of Blackrock, who we will talk about below, is on the board of WEF and the council of foreign relations, it seems they are literally progressing their agenda out in the open, “you will own nothing and be happy” when's the happy part come in ?
All of this as a result of what appears to be lab leak from a lab funded by the U.S. You can see why they would be so keen on keeping the conspiracy theory label on that one. Overtime it changed from conspiracy theory, to possible, but unlikely. I’m waiting for the next update lol. Lets also not forget how open China has been to investigations on finding the origin, you would think everyone would want to know where this virus that killed 7 million people came from, but I guess not, they are totally fine with the notion “we may never know” lmao.
The Housing Market
As of 2022, about 1/4 of American homes are owned by investment firms. Its as gross to me as selling water. Blackrock, which is an investment firm managing 8.6 trillion dollars, owns a majority of them one way or another, bought up for pennies on the dollar after the 08 crash. These people caused the crash and then heavily benefited from it. They slapped some duck tape on our economy and kicked the can down the road until the next disaster. Major bailouts ensued off the basis these corporations were “too big to fail”, which clearly they were not. That was the American tax payers money, co-opted, once again.
I hate bailouts and handouts, but if we insist on continually bailing out corporations and providing them welfare, I say its high time we bailout the average American citizen, invest in our future as a country via housing, education and healthcare. The American Citizen is the one too big too fail.
These investment firms continue diminishing available inventory of houses that may otherwise be obtainable for younger, middle class households. This can lead to a kind of negative feedback loop where people cannot afford to buy because they are getting priced out, but because rent is incredibly high (and expected to keep going up), people cannot save enough money to get into the market even if rates do fall again.
-Investment Firms & the State of Home Buying in the US
Food & Beverage Industry
To maximize profits we have allowed a handful of corporations to use a wide range of chemicals and ingredients that basically kill us. So many carcinogens in these processed foods that I can not list them all here, I will provide links below. These “ingredients” have been banned in many different countries. Seems like almost everything we consume is bad for us, you can’t even be healthy if you try. Your telling me the waters not even safe?! Corporations & Governments are committing crimes against nature and humanity.
50 Jawdroppingly Toxic Food Ingredients & Artificial Additives to Avoid
12 Common Food Additives — Should You Avoid Them?
5 Scary Things You Didn’t Know About Food Processing
From chicken to tomatoes, here’s why American food is hurting you
The 6 Creepiest Lies the Food Industry is Feeding You
People quit these foods once they see how they are made
Maggots, rat hair, mouse poop and more: Gross things the FDA allows in food
— Monopoly and Concentration: A few large corporations dominate various aspects of the food industry, leading to limited competition and potentially reducing consumer choices while also affecting small-scale producers.
— Labor Exploitation: Many segments of the food industry rely on low-wage labor, often leading to poor working conditions, lack of benefits, and inadequate worker protections, in some cases basically slavery.
Forced labour risk is pervasive in the US land-based food supply
— Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): The use of GMOs in agriculture raises concerns about potential health risks, environmental impacts, and the consolidation of seed patents.
— Environmental Impact: Large-scale agricultural practices, including livestock farming and monoculture crops, lead to deforestation, water pollution, soil degradation, and greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change and loss of biodiversity.
— Food Waste: Significant amounts of food are wasted at various stages of production, distribution, and consumption. This not only squanders resources but also contributes to environmental issues. Over 100 Billion pounds of food is wasted every year.
— Misleading Marketing: Misleading or deceptive advertising can promote unhealthy products as nutritious, leading consumers to make choices that negatively impact their health. In Seaspiracy we see that “dolphin safe” logo is essentially bought and paid for even if the company harms dolphins, All sorts of things like this occur across the industry when it comes to “better alternatives”.
— Lack of Transparency: Consumers often lack detailed information about the origins and production methods of their food, making it difficult to make informed choices.
— Chemical Residues and Pesticides: The use of pesticides and other chemicals in agriculture can leave residues on food products, potentially posing risks to human health and the environment.
Op-ed: What the pesticide industry doesn’t want you to know
— Food Safety: Contaminations, outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, and recalls of unsafe products pose serious threats to public health. Poor hygiene practices, inadequate inspections, and supply chain issues can all contribute to food safety concerns.
The Rise of Food Poisoning in America
— Obesity and Health Concerns: The prevalence of unhealthy processed foods, sugary beverages, and high-calorie fast food has contributed to rising obesity rates and related health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.
We have failed our kids.
We have doomed ourselves with this plastic nonsense. They have now found micro plastics pretty much everywhere in the human body, the brain, the stomach, the lungs, we literally can’t escape it, its in the air we breathe, the water we drink.
We have enabled animal cruelty on a massive scale.
Humans have decimated animal populations and their habitat for years through overhunting and fishing. You should watch the Seaspiracy Documentary.
Food Service Workers Are Exposing "Dark Secrets" About The Food Industry More People Should Know
"Grocery distribution warehouses are often extremely filthy and rarely cleaned. Wash anything canned, bottled, or…
Lab Meat will solve all these issues, right?! WRONG! Just another co-opt baby!
At least we still have the ultra healthy milk, right? oh wait, that was another co-opt?!
Well the whole got milk? campaign was a psyop, say it aint so.. well at least we have healthy alternatives right? WRONG, MORE CO-OPTS! EVERYTHING IS A CO-OPT!
11 Reasons You May Want To Avoid Drinking Almond Milk
Everything to Know About the Simply Tropical Juice PFAS Lawsuit
I guess I’ll just stick to water? Think again. They say fluoride is safe and they put it in our water supply to take care of our teeth. From all the stuff above and below you could see how and why I am skeptical of such claims. Think of all the times government or someone else says something is good for us and it turns out not true. Too many times have atrocities been committed under the guise of something positive. Even fluoride proponents say too much can cause horrible effects. They say too much fluoride can lower IQ and accumulate in the bones and pineal gland and cause all sorts of negative health effects. How can we know if we are getting too much when its in more than just drinking water. Its not just fluoride either. (lot of stuff that seems to keep our IQs down, shit sounds like conspiracy, but i guess its science lol)
Healthcare / Drugs
Our healthcare system is a mess, people are one hospital visit away from financial ruin, imagine facing a life threatening diagnosis and on top of that you have to worry about selling your house to pay for it. The fact so many people have to start a dam GoFundMe for hospital bills is clear indication of catastrophic failure of epic proportions. What if the treatment you need isn’t allowed in the U.S? Big Pharma and the FDA have not done right by its customers.
Sometimes, or many times, one can find themselves having quicker and easier access to a firearm than mental health care, which is a scary notion.
Have you ever seen the true story film Dallas Buyers Club?
Don’t think personal hygiene products are for some reason exempt.
Just like the church you have bad actors entering the field and doing horrendous things. You can’t even trust a dam doctor nowadays.
5 legal cases against doctors that made headlines in 2019
The Story of Donald Cline
Even Well intentioned doctors make mistakes
I don’t even want to talk about the way the elderly are treated in the system. Many bad actors not only rob them, but physically beat them.
20 yr old beats and kills elderly patient in michigan
Revealed: NHS regulator’s ‘culture of fear’ that leaves rogue nurses free to abuse patients
Climate Change
Humans are no doubt doing harm to the earth. We are a mold or parasite on this organism. You would think any efforts said to address these issues would be wonderful, but it seems its just new rackets being born, capitalists masquerading as activists. Think about the Lincoln Project, where it started as the leaders being so passionate about solving a problem faced by the general public, and ended as a pipeline of cash directly to the founders business accounts. Think about how fake meat is being hailed as a solution to all the food industry “crimes”, but it is in fact not. We see the same thing happening in the climate change circles, its all about that money. All these bs solutions and putting it on the small consumer, when in reality we know its the biggest corporations who are the biggest polluters and destroyers of our world. We could stop it tomorrow but there is too much money involved.
Wealthiest 10% of Americans Responsible for 40% of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Study Finds
More Than 60% of the Biggest Fossil Fuel Companies Are Not on Track to Meet 1.5°C Goal, Study Finds
The Entertainment/Creative Industry
Kanye said it best, “Walt Disney is dead. Steve Jobs is dead.” The people at the top of the entertainment industry whether it be music or movies, are all non-creative suits literally beating their dead horses for all the profit they can. Its about the bottom line to them, not the art. They have literally co-opted art. They control what is made, what's relevant, what the price is. Creative Talent has been over exploited and under appreciated for as long as I can remember.
Movies just don’t hit the same, as my grandpa says “Hollywood is creatively and morally bankrupt” I tend to agree. I rarely even get excited anymore because everything's been such a let down lately. There’s been some good movies in the past few years but no where near the amount of bangers we’ve had in the past. Now its all just cheap hollow imitations of previous work. Reboots, unneeded sequels, spin-offs, connected universes, formula driven crap that you’ve seen a thousand times. Its to the point that I can basically call an entire movie after watching the first 15 minutes sometimes even less.
So many reasons could be the cause of this effect, many blame streaming as a reason the studios take less risks and why we get a repeating cycle of crap we’ve all seen before.
While I do agree with Matt I think there's more to it.
The quality of movies have fallen so drastically that when you have a new movie come out if just feels like cheap propaganda cash grabs. Movies have always had deeper meanings and bigger messages they convey but all that lands much better when the movie is actually well done. When its cheap and hollow, not thought out, it just seems worse than worse, cuz now I'm getting lectured on top of the mediocrity.
The Music Industry is completely fabricated, I don't understand why a true artist would even want to join that mess or Hollywood for that matter. Not only are fake and dangerous lifestyles promoted but all the numbers behind the industry are manipulated. Many artists of the industry have come out and stated this, such as J.cole, sixn9ne, and others. Showcasing how the industry is botted and bought. You see as such with industry plants such as Ice Spice.
We all know that artists don’t get paid shit compared to the executives exploiting them via streaming. In comes Tidal, a new streaming platform from Jay Z with the aim to fix this by paying the artists more money and giving them ownership. That didn’t last long, they quickly got down to the low payouts similar to Spotify and jay z cashed out, it was about money for him, not money for artists. There are lawsuits against tidal for fraud, kind of crazy Jay Z was able to sell and wipe his hands clean without any negative press. He actually received positive press for being such a business genius, its like wtf. I suppose being a genius in business today is directly correlated to how big of a bag you can secure through predatory scammer methods.
Tidal Charges Former Users’ Credit Cards Without Their Consent
Tidal officially a suspect in gross data fraud case, new court papers show
I'm telling you all. Please beware of new rackets promising to fix the problems of old rackets. More times than not its a bait and switch, just look at streaming for yet another example.
Tv/Movie streaming came on the scene as the new thing to replace cable television because everything was on demand and commercial free. FALSE, now that streaming has taken all the market share from cable, they are transitioning to the cable model, including higher paid tiers and advertisements as well as removing tons of media from their platforms over time. That’s a bait and switch and its wack as hell.
Video Games are no different, hollow unfinished cash grabs for the majority of new releases. I find myself enjoying older games, movies, and music because all the new stuff lacks soul. I get their is soul outside the mainstream, but that stuff should be the mainstream is my point. Read more about that in Dead Kulture.
I believed in the original idea of crypto, but as time went on it got more and more disgusting, I have made a lot of content about the scams and faces of this industry, there’s a lot of people who should be in jail. Its a shame that everything is co-opted, we can’t have nothing nice. This also compliments the whole influencer section and what's wrong with it, its how people like Logan Paul were able to scam millions from fans. Important to note that everything bad that's happened in crypto is actually a stronger case for true decentralized systems. All the problems to arise have spouted from centralized systems.
Conspiracy Theories and Spaces
The conspiracy space is full of charlatans spewing nonsense and in many cases know they are spewing nonsense which makes them just as bad and just as big of hypocrites as the ones they are supposedly exposing.
Lots of folks in the conspiracy space are in it to sell supplements or monetize their audience in one way or the other, they talk a big game then turn around and sell their audience some shitty course, email list, patreon, affiliate links to things that could be considered scams, whatever it may be you have to watch out for these types. Seems no matter where we go, we will never be able to escape hypocrisy.
It’s all very gross and gives the space a bad rep and takes focus away from legitimate conspiracies. For a group of people always yammering on about distractions, they seem oblivious to the ones they create amongst themselves.
As for the believer of the so called prophets, Any conspiracy theorist who believes in every conspiracy is no more awake then those they call “asleep”. These are those who are genuine and think they are doing the right thing, but have sadly fallen prey to governments disinformation campaigns to keep people distracted from what they really don’t want you to know. Or very simply, trolls, either way it showcases a major lack of critical thinking and research ability.
Take a fake video of WTC 7 on 9/11 that was heavily altered for the sole purpose to trick conspiracy theorists who believe everything they see, as long as its not from a source of authority. I swear if the government told them not to eat poop, these people would have a mouth full before the news cycle was over.
There is a well documented case of this, presented very well in the documentary Mirage Men. The Air Force through counter intelligence officers carried out a disinformation campaign on a man by the name of Paul Bennewitz and other prominent figures(directly and indirectly-Bill Cooper) in the UFO community. The campaign was so extensive they actually drove Paul to be institutionalized. Many of the wacky theories in that space stem from this campaign. One has to think, perhaps that whole story is disinformation, could be, but the fact that the government is carrying out disinformation campaigns would remain true, obviously, so it doesn’t really matter to the larger point.
We could talk for days on how messed up the education system is. My first gripe is the information that's covered and how its covered. My personal biggest examples, is the coverage of civil rights, Malcolm x, and the holocaust. The way they teach these subjects and others is in my humble opinion a crime and it should make everyone angry. They didn’t teach us anything about Gobekli Tepe, I had to learn about it from YouTube.
My other personal favorite is Business Math. In my school it was known as the class for dumb people who wouldn't be able to pass algebra and geometry, so it provided them with an alternative path to math credits. They thing is, majority of people will not use algebra or geometry on a daily basis. On the other hand the vast majority could have benefited from business math, it was great, it wasn’t just business math, it was basically personal finance. So many things I see my peers complain about not learning in school, in relation to math, I was taught in business math. I just always thought that was interesting.
It seems a majority of what we did learn was incorrect, either misinformation or sometimes disinformation which is pretty frightening. It’s why I wanted to put education at the bottom of this list. Because the way our system is setup, is the reason why everything above has been allowed to happen, lack of proper education and awareness.
Its also proper that this section falls under the conspiracy section, because this is a big conspiracy. Notice how I didn't put “theory”.
The System is just one big co-opt, and you need only listen/watch one music video to (hopefully) understand it.
For those needing or wanting more context, here’s a wonderful breakdown: The Ugly Truth About The Education System You Were Never Told
“I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.” -John D. Rockefeller
Then of course you have the school politics and money involved, remember when all them rich people got caught bribing their kids into colleges. Those are the only ones who got caught, that sort of thing has been happening since day 1 and will continue.
You have countless school shootings, we can’t even keep our kids safe, in a place where we make our kids go, by no choice of their own. The political parties backed by special interests have turned this into part of their culture wars. People say if we get rid of guns it solves the problem, that's just part of someone’s coopt. Lets think of it like this, lets say for one second we could somehow take every gun, good and bad, off the street. We would still have an unhealthy individual looking to do harm, and a school that you can supposedly just walk right into and start killing people. Note that there’s more ways to kill people than just guns. It seems we never go deep enough to address the real cause of issues, just slap a band aid on it and kick it down the road, we are notorious for that. One has to think their is something deeply wrong with a society that produces such evil, but then again plenty of people are “victims” to this society and don’t gun down crowds, perhaps something in their brains that make them sick. I digress.
The education system is not an education system, its an indoctrination system, no matter how you look at it.
Ask yourself why some of the most successful people are drop outs, almost like its a prerequisite to greatness, more than likely because the system stifles the creativity needed to reach that greatness.
Our Kids
We are not putting our kids on a better path. We are putting them on the same path that I have been so critical of here today. We are selling them directly into slavery via consumerism which comes with everything we talked about here. By striving not to overly shape our children’s perspectives and preserving their innocence, we inadvertently open the door for external influences to impact them detrimentally. Influenced by special interests and horrible people through social and other controlled media as well as the education system. We allow them to be poisoned mentally and physically.
The picture above showcases the effects of our society. I actually laughed when I first saw this, I thought it was a joke. We have 15 year old kids unsatisfied with life, feeling like failures because they don’t have a million followers or the life of their favorite influencer. A 15 year old kid went up to Gary Vee crying about how he was a failure for this very thing. There are countless other examples, this is incredibly sad. 15 year old's should not be feeling this way at all, something is clearly wrong. I always say, the fact that everyone has a bad back is proof we are living wrong. I say the same thing for depressed 15 year old's. That’s not to say 15 year old's can’t be depressed, but I don't think they should for these reasons, we have added unnecessary stress and immeasurable pressure.
Recently in a survey 86% of young people said they wanted to be famous on social media. I work with countless clients who think they are going to be the next Logan Paul or Mr Beast. Its a great goal to strive for. For the majority of them though, this is not the case. Which wouldn’t be such a big deal if they didn’t have their mental health so wrapped up in all the vanity metrics and chasing algorithms.
I am in discords servers with these people that literally have dedicated mental health channels. They talk about how they are at the brink and how they sit in their rooms and grind their life away on video games or content creation and only have 3 views or 5 likes or whatever it is. They speak of giving up, and its not like “I'm gonna give this up and go outside and move on with my life” its more like “I failed my dream of being a pro gamer, there's no reason to live, I'm gonna kill myself” like some really dark stuff, when all they had to do was go outside and get some sun and they would be a lot better off.
Relationships and feminism are also being coopted. This video below shows the power and negative influence one app can have on an entire population.
Clarification and Conclusion
If you made it through this entire piece and watched all the videos and read the external articles linked, then congratulations, you are probably exhausted and depressed. Things will be okay, go touch some grass and center yourself, that’s what I had to do after spending a week at my computer consuming all this information. Funny thing is I didn’t even include every single thing I could have, otherwise I’d never finish, I think what I have included here today does more than enough to showcase the severity of our situation. As time goes on, the list will no doubt get bigger.
Many people blame capitalism for all this, just like people blame socialism for failed socialist states, but its not the systems in place, its the people running the systems. We have unchecked crony capitalism, not true capitalism. Just like we have never seen true socialism or communism. Any system could produce a utopia if humans weren't flawed as much as they are unique. I think that's a self evident truth that many don’t realize. They spend to much time focused on the wrong battles.
I see people reeling over the things I’ve listed here today. They say things like “we did everything we were told and we still cant blah blah blah…”, sadly that’s their problem. I feel for them I really do, but fortunately for me, I can’t relate. From the youngest age I can remember, I have always questioned what I’ve been told. I just never took people’s word at face value, I gotta check to make your they ain’t giving me the jive. I never bought into the college scam or the house with a white picket fence and family scam, the “this is what your life should look like” scam. In fact I have always been very critical of those notions and of anything else being sold to me, I hate rackets. I have never wanted to climb a corporate ladder, but instead make my own. I have been called a conspiracy theorist my whole life, I think I am owed an apology after all that's come to light in the past 5 years alone. Us city conspiracy boys have been up lately. Which is actually very dangerous and just leads the majority of theorists to falsely think every conspiracy is now authenticated. Real Ones know that’s not the case.
So again, I know lots of these things seem conspiratorial, especially the YouTube videos, they have a bad rep, but I have undoubtedly learned 10000x more factual educational information from YouTube then I have anywhere else. The great thing about YT videos is, they are not exempt from fact checking. I highly recommend you take the time to watch all the videos here and think for yourself and do your own looking into things. Don’t trust anyone right off the bat, think about ulterior motives and financial incentives. Everything comes down to money so its a good place to start.
You may have been waiting for me to come with the solution to all this… lol I use to think I had one. Revolution. But I’m just not sure how that plays out now with the current landscape, we shall see. Furthermore, if this article teaches you anything its that you should be skeptical of anyone claiming to have a “solution for all this” lol. In the meantime, fuck all the bs noise. Be the change you want to see, start locally, stop waiting for others to save us. Live the golden rule. Treat others how you want to be treated. Be better know the collective will be affected. Spread peace, love, unity, respect, and empathy. Start a garden and water collection. Try and do everything you can to stop giving your business to corporations and governments that are literally killing you for that money. Live simply, be happy and healthy. Ride the creative wave and enjoy the little things that actually matter while you still can.
I truly believe we are circling the drain, waiting for the asteroid. We failed the human experiment. We have allowed all of this to happen, we deserve what we get, and get what we deserve.
This is what I mean when I say “everything’s a racket.” (RFK knows)
Not every video I watched while researching made it on to this page, I created a YouTube playlist dedicated to this topic, I highly recommend you go check it out and watch all the documentaries and short video essays to be as informed as you can in this crazy world. Many of the videos come from the same creators who I consider real enlightened ones and not charlatans. These are not people who have influenced me but whom I find on similar wave lengths collectively in this moment. I’ve been wrong before, again judge and think for yourself. You don’t have to buy what anyone is selling, and you shouldn’t, just be curious, use it as a jumping pad to deeper thought. There are countless things on my DE dashboard that I don’t believe but we share it there because it serves as interesting thought pieces. I trust my audience to discern what is true and what is clearly thought experiments.
I mean it 100% when I say nothing is exempt from The Great Co-Opt. Keep your eyes open, and trust no one, except for us. (dude where's my car reference.)
J aubrey — Makes videos exposing “influencers” for the trash they are, I was going to make similar, but lower quality, videos because I think its an important issue, but he’s got it covered so I will forever advertise his channel as long as he’s doing the lords work over there.
Jake Tran — Makes documentaries about money, power, war and crime. Great production and great topics explored.
Moon — Making documentaries about important topics.
Evil Food Supply — Premium documentaries exposing the evils of our modern diet.
MagnatesMedia — Makes great documentaries about a wide range of interesting topics.
Cold Fusion — Makes great videos on a wide range of stuff you never knew.
DW Documentary — DW Documentary gives you information beyond the headlines. Watch top documentaries from German broadcasters and international production companies. Meet intriguing people, travel to distant lands, get a look behind the complexities of daily life and build a deeper understanding of current affairs and global events.
Neo — Neo creates educational short documentaries about topics ranging from politics, geography, media, society, and more.
More Perfect Union — Media with a mission to put power back in the hands of working people — that’s how we build a More Perfect Union.